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The price of advertising on our site will mainly be determined by the prominence and or popularity of your site, product or service. One thing you can be assured of, we will not charge you an arm and a leg for this advertising.

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• Costs only a fraction than that in traditional media
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InsuranceQuotePrivider.com offers advertisers to place banner ads on different sections of the portal that suits their product and the coverage of the products. You can choose from two types of tariff plans -

SizeStyleGIF / JPG WeightAd PositionPrice
588  x 80Full Banner20 KBTop-center on Header$50/Month
237  x 128Square Size 20 KBLeft Side $35/Month
588  x 80Full Banner 20 KB Footer Side $25/Month
Insurnace QP Banner AD
Top-center on Header 588 x 80 $50.00 Left Side AD 237 x 128 $35.00 Footer AD 588 x 80 $25.00 Any 2 Spots $75.00 All 3 Spots $100.00
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